The CretAquarium is part of the “THALASSOCOSMOS” complex, the largest research, technology and entertainment centre in the Mediterranean.
Thalassocosmos covers an area of 60 hectares in the northwest shoreward section of the former American Base at Gournes, Heraklion Prefecture. It includes the Central Building (approx. 5,500 m2), which houses research facilities for marine sciences such as Oceanography, Fisheries Biology, Marine Biology and Genetics, alongside the administrative and financial services of the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (Crete). Added to this is the Institute of Aquaculture building (approx. 3,500 m2) and CretAquarium (approx. 3.500 m2).
CretAquarium, aspires to be a unique venue for discovering, learning and promoting awareness of Mediterranean marine life. In its depths, the Mediterranean Sea hides a world little known to most people, with a wide biodiversity of species and habitats that are now under threat more than at any other historical time. As an enclosed sea featuring both steep, rocky shores plunging to great depths and indented shores with translucent waters, more than any other sea it has determined the course of human history and culture.
The Dinosauria Park started as an idea in 2013 and was first housed in GOURNES ΔΕΚΚ, located in the former American Base. There were hosted 30 different dinosaur species from all periods of the Mesozoic era and other prehistoric animals.
In 2014 the exhibits were transferred to their own space, following intensive efforts to be found in their natural environment and to “revive”! In the large family of dinosaurs new species were added and new sections, such as dinosaurs General Hospital, where young and old fans of dinosaurs can see a dinosaur hatches and begins his life in the park. In the space for creative activities, all become children again, trying to find as many dinosaurs may in tidal area, and playing various “dinosaur games” made in space.
For the visitors there is the opportunity to watch themed films released in 5D and 7D Cinema.
Finally the visitor can enjoy tasty delicacies in Dino Snack Bar where a certified Playground by TUV organisation Hellas and enjoy endless hours of fun and pleasure.
Since the beginning of time Humans, have been staring at the night sky. Wondering, dreaming, imagining what could possibly be out there. Astronomy was developed pretty early. Famous people like Aglaoniki and Thales from Ancient Greece, Hypatia from Alexandria, Galileo Galilei, and Johannes Kepler, Albert Einstein and Steven Hawking and hundreds of anonymous scientist have dedicated their lives into the exploration of the universe and its laws.
Today, there are high tech telescopes placed in every corner of the Earth, and in an orbit around it, collecting data for our position in the Universe, for the planets and the stars.
Planetarium is a way of communicating astronomy with everyone. However, planetarium is not a new invention. Archimedes had created a device that could predict and show the movement of the sun, the Moon and the planets.
The oldest planetarium that is still operating, is located in a small Dutch city called Franeker. It was built by Eise Eisinga, in his living room, in 1781. Over the centuries, and especially during the 20 th century, German scientists and companies, modernized the idea of the planetarium.
Today, planetariums can be found in many cities around the world, and people of all ages can learn about the unique science of astronomy.